Personality typing system with the Enneagram


Discover, explore and get curious about your personality type while you work in your personal growth with the Enneagram.

What is Enneagram?

Enneagram is a powerful personality typing system based on 9 archetypes. It’s represented in a geometrical figure that shows the basic 9 personality types of the human being, each number on the Enneagram denoting one type. Although every person is unique, research shows there are common ways people see, experience and interact with the world around them. So we can say that determining our personality type through the Enneagram does not put us in a box, but helps us see the box from which we experience the world. Getting to know which personality type you belong will give you a better understanding of who you are and what you can do in your journey of personal growth.

What it makes it different to the others personality test is that Enneagram doesn’t focus as much in your behaviour but in the why and reasons for the behaviour. Having more awareness about you bias in your emotional unhealthy, when struggling or when under stress, will free you from acting in new ways that will open new opportunities to your life.

How can Enneagram help you?

  • Getting to know your authentic personality

  • Challenging your inner obstacles

  • Learning how to improve your relationships with others

  • Knowing what is holding you back to get your potential

  • Acquiring a map of growth to claim your wholeness

  • How to free your nature to live your dharma purpose

Join the 2 weeks Enneagram Journey Coaching Program

1st session (1.30h) – We will focus on discovering your personlity type with the Enneagram.

2nd session (1.30h) – After 5 days from our first session. You will have a notebook with your recordings about your enneagram type operating throughout the week. We will talk about them and we will get more aware about your enneagram, your behaviours and your reasons behind why you do what you do.

3rd session (1.30h) – I will coach you around your main bias you identify what in your enneagram type holds you back from living your wholeness and become aware of it.

4th session (1.30h) – We will see the best actions and tools required to your personal growth regarding your Enneagram type.

Final tailored report – I will send to your email inbox your Enneagram tailored report 1 week after from our last session.

Why do you need to do this program?

  • You’re curious about your Enneagram type

  • You’re interested in your personal growth

  • You need to understand more about yourself

  • You need to find quick whys and solutions

  • You want to experience 2 intense weeks working on your self.

  • You think it’s the perfect gift for that friend, sibling or relationship

Are you interested in knowing more about your personality type with this program?