Life coaching, Enneagram and day coaching retreats


Personal development and wellbeing are the most required needs in these current times we’re living in. Isn’t it time you invested in yourself or your team and your wellbeing? I’m here to help!

I am an accredited Life Coach and Enneagram Coach (personlity typing system) with more than 3 years of experience coaching clients. I work with individuals and businesses.

I’m driven by passion and my life experiences to help you succeed to find fulfilment. In my sessions I combine life coaching resources and excercises with enneagram, active listening, empathy and intuition, life and entrepeneurship skills. All in a kind of holsitic way.

If you need to work around your wellbeing, talk about any issue, goals, improve something or want to feel better in yourself, I can help. Let’s have an initial free phone consultation and start working in your new YOU.

  • Are you thinking about how you currently live your life?

  • Improve your job satisfaction?

  • Are you rethinking your work and family balance? 

  • Are you worried to go back to work after some time not going?

  • Do you need to change something in your life?

  • Are you feeling lonely, sad, angry or having problems with self-esteem?

  • Has this pandemic made you revaluate and you'd like to work on some new goals?

  • Or maybe you want to work around your Enneagram personlity type?

It's no coincidence that you found yourself here, at this moment in your life.

If not now, when?

I also offer personalised day retreats that mixes life coaching with a unique day experience chosen for work rewards or wellbeing or at times you are feeling, “I just need a break” - whether it’s a break from work, parenthood, relationships, personal loss or even from themselves! From a day in nature, in a spa, in a vineyard, in connection with animals or a cultural day out in London. This combination will be the perfect tonic to take a break from your everyday, to have fun and enjoy what you like the most, work on your personal growth and your current needs. By the end of the day, we want you to feel rested and energised.

You’ll feel the benefits of what giving yourself permission to take a break can really give you.

one to one

coaching day retreat experience


Book Me to give a talk

I offer educational, inspirational and motivational talks on request. Lets talk about it! >>

What clients say about me…